Saturday, March 08, 2014

Big Things

Doing big things is scary.

Asking people to JOIN you in doing Big Things is even scarier.

2 months ago, our staff felt like God was moving us to challenge our faith community to something MORE.....more than attending....more than a good feeling....more than a campus club....and so we started a study on the Book of Acts.    We wanted to be inspired by the amazing things that happened in the Early Church, and start looking for God to do amazing things in our community.

As God began forming the vision for this, we knew we needed to give students a way to see this in action.  Students needed to do something BIG.  They needed to step out of their comfort zone.  Stretch.  Sacrifice.  Face failure. Lose control.  See something only God could do.

We talked about all kinds of Big Things we could do.....but in the back of my mind, there was this nagging voice that asked, "what if we fail?".

What if we teach students that God moves powerfully and that same power is in us, and if we issue a challenge to do something that allows God to show up in a big way......and God doesn't do it?

2 weeks ago our students started a 2 Weeks of Nothing fast.   For 2 weeks we would fast from purchasing anything that wasn't Starbucks, no movies or meals out, no Polar Pops or car washes.  The challenge was to collect that money and to bless our ministry partners in Peru.  Our goal was $2,500 to help purchase a laptop and projector for them.    We ended the 2 weeks with a DAY of Nothing, a 24 hour food fast.  We met together and prayed for the Peru ministry and talked about how hungry we were.

Then last night, as we broke the fast together, one by one students got up and shared testimonies about what God taught them during these past 2 weeks. They talked about excess and self control, about using money to fill insecurities and voids.  And they gave.  Sacrificially.  At last count, they've raised over $1800.

As I drove home last night, I could barely contain myself.   God did it.  He showed up.  His Holy Spirit is working in our community.  Students are being changed and are on mission.  Thank you, God!!

 This quote was part of my Lectio365 Sabbath devotion this morning, and as I considered what this day should look like, I began considering ...