So Friday night was the annual CSF Celebration Dinner, and boy, did our students do a great job!! From the awesome worship team, to the video, and the Freshman Small Group Skit...it was an encouraging night!
Thanks to all of you who helped pull it off....for setting up tables and chairs, doing dishes in the kitchen, re-building of the sanctuary chair formation....I was proud of how helpful everyone was.
It's a unique evening....just about every Friday night of the year, we cater to the college students...literally....food is catered in by local church groups, we cater to the musical likes of students (okay, most students....some of you are still hoping we do some chanting or thrash-metal worship), prepare teaching directed at college students, and plan activities that students can enjoy. The Celebration Dinner, however, isn't all about the 60+ students who are involved in csf this year - - it's about God's story, and how he's been using campus ministry for years and years to bring college students to himself. It's about the students involved now, but it's also about the students involved 12 years ago, and the students who will be involved another 10 years down the road...it's about people from various churches who listened to God when he told them that he wanted them to reach out to the college campus, and who continue to see CSF as one of the Missions they support. It's about alumni who give sacrificially so that the students can who come after them can have a community to grow in. It's about students who decide to invest in other students, training, encouraging, and challenging their peers.
For those of you who came Friday night, I hope you got that....and that you're an important part of God's story for UIS and LLCC! We're so grateful to get to watch God work!!
Derber's hair takes up like the whole picture!!! :)
what an amazing night...:-D
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