Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Update on Max the Mutt

I'm learning alot....

...I've become a yeller. And I don't like it. I yell at the dog when he's about to poop on the floor....I yelled at the girls when they let Max roam around in our bedroom while they hung out there. While they watched Hannah Montanta, Max destroyed Todd's CPAP mask. Todd replaced it for $150. I yelled AGAIN when Max destroyed the replacement 2 days later. I'm practicing deep breathing and trying to remain calm. I don't like to hear myself yell, or see the fear on my childrens' face when I do it.

...We have some preparations to make before we welcome a toddler into our home. Having a new puppy reminds me of how much attention a toddler requires, of how everything needs to be moved back out of arm's reach, and things picked up off the floor so they don't put them into their mouths...

...Our girls really are responsible, lovely, compassionate girls. They're working very hard to take care of Max....Sarah stood out in the pouring rain a few nights ago, committed to getting Max to poop outside instead of on my floor. It didn't work, but I was proud of the effort!

So, we're trying the bell-on-the-door house-breaking method, and closing all of the bedroom doors. If you've got other suggestions, we'll throw those into the pot!!


Stephanie said...

Reward him when he does go potty outside, I know it takes patience but you will get there. I actually know one dog who is trained in the difference between go poop and go potty. I am sure his owners worked with him forever on it.

For chewing try a kong toy, you can put treats in it, peanut butter or cheese spread and it will keep him busy when you can't give him attention. You can get them anywhere pet supplies are sold.

As for yelling our dog trainer told us to stop (I know it is hard, yelling comes so natural), but all the dog understands is that he is getting attention. So, rewarding good behavior is much more effective than punishing bad behavior.

Bradjward said...

Clicker training, clicker training, clicker training. Worked magically for us. It gets easier as you go along, I promise! :)

Matt Bortmess said...

Oh the joys of puppy-hood! If we had any success with our dog I would share some advice...but our dog doesn't obey at all...and she's 10! Hopefully we're doing a better job with our kids!!!

LISA said...

Hmmm, guess what? We are puppysitting for my college daughter.She had to have a puppy!!
OH,and does it wear me out!! My schnauzer is 4YO and her puppy is 3months!Between breaking up fights,etc. feel like I have 2 kids!Good luck on housebreaking!

Shannon said...

I am so happy you have a dog and we'd be happy to dog sit if you ever need, but I have to be honest and say;
thank you for reminding us why we DO NOT need a dog, even though Luke asks for one ALL the time! Your best parental moment blog almost had me swayed, I am SO glad you followed it up with this update!

 This quote was part of my Lectio365 Sabbath devotion this morning, and as I considered what this day should look like, I began considering ...