Saturday, March 15, 2008

Prayer Request

Right before we left for Minnesota, we got some scary news from friends in our small goup. Mike and Sandy have 3 bio kids in high school/college, and recently started the process to adopt twin 3 year olds from Haiti. Last week they got the opportunity to travel to Haiti with a team to serve the orphanage and spend some time with the kids. Near the end of their trip, their little boy, Angelo, was being "thrown" in the air by another teammate, and came into contact with a metal ceiling fan.

He was immediately taken to a free clinic there, but Mike and Sandy reported that the conditions of the clinic were awful, and they moved him to a private hospital. They had to leave the country that Wednesday, and a neurosurgeon agreed to perform surgery on Thursday as long as they could find enough blood. The surgery went well and the doctor says he should make a full recovery...but the situation is just all-around awful:
Mike and Sandy are here, while their son recovers in Haiti

The hospital bills are over $13,000

Because Angelo hasn't been officially adopted yet, Mike and Sandy's insurance company will not cover the cost.

In addition to the medical bills, M&S still have to pay for the actual adoption.

We haven't gotten to speak to them since we've returned, but I hope you'll pray for them and for little Angelo.


Amanda said...

I will definitely be keeping this family in my thoughts.

And, thank you so much for helping me figure out how to do the link. I appreciate it.

LISA said...

Praying for Angelo and family.

Stephanie said...

They are in my thoughts and prayers.

b-dizzle said...

I think RCC is having a fundraiser to help them raise funds in April.

 This quote was part of my Lectio365 Sabbath devotion this morning, and as I considered what this day should look like, I began considering ...