Friday, December 05, 2008

An advent challenge

The Lasleys challenged our campus ministry to prepare for Christmas by reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) between now and Christmas, and all it takes is 4 chapters a day!

So, this morning, our family started our Advent Gospel Challenge with Matthew. I'd encourage you to try something like this for your family, but one hint about Matthew 1: If you're reading aloud with your family, don't let one of your kids read through the geneology of Jesus unless you want to miss the school bus!!

Or, you could just sing Andrew Peterson's version:

*from our good friends at West Side Christian Church


Frances Williams said...

that is such a great idea!! thanks for sharing!

by the way, we have the exact same van in the exact same color and love it...even though we have had it for over 4 1/2 years and paid a lot more for it!! congrats and can't wait to see if we will be traveling together in January!!

Eli's Lids said...

Great idea! Our kids are little so we have done an advent chain and advent wreath.

 This quote was part of my Lectio365 Sabbath devotion this morning, and as I considered what this day should look like, I began considering ...