So today both of our daughters got on the school bus and went to Rochester Elementary School for the first day of the new school year. There were no tears from anyone. I did feel a little strange...just that realization that someone else would be responsible for my child all day long.
I had to take Sophia to get her Kindergarten physical this afternoon and she had 3 boosters coming. I must admit that I enjoyed holding her a little tighter on my lap while the nurse gave the shots....cradling her face between my shoulder and my hand while she cried just a little.
Then in a classic Sophia moment at bedtime, we had just read about God telling Noah to build an ark. I was telling them that I don't know if I would have trusted God as much as Noah, and might have asked if God really knew what He was doing.....
Sophia: "But God never makes mistakes. If God and Satan were playing checkers and God was the red checkers and Satan was the black checkers, God would always win. Cause God is always better than Satan....like in a race....or brushing hair......."
Man, that kid makes me laugh!
I love the first day of school sign! way better than the dry erase board.
1. The only hair brushing contest is how many brush strokes it takes before Sophia starts to cry...
2. yeah, we put Todd in charge of the sign this year...he's a little more creative than me!!
We were finishing our study of Revelation last night, and it's funny to read that when Christ comes face to face with Satan, he just sends a regular old angel to lock up Satan or throw him in the lake of fire. That's HOW badly Christ would beat Satan in checkers. He may not even show up for the match.
And it wouldn't surprise me if, someday, Sophie becomes the "bouncer angel".
you guys are such great parents!!!!
hey, I miss you. I really do. even before i read your blog i was thinking about you tonight. wish you were here for late night chai and talk...
love, misty
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