Today is a day set aside to pray and fast for the Darfur region in Africa. Who knew that it was so controversial to be concerned about a country where hundreds of thousands of people are being slaughtered, raped, and forced from their homes, simply because of their ethnicity.....but I guess I need to make it clear that I'm not taking a political position on this.....this is simply a girl who doesn't particularly like international politics, but whose heart aches when I think about what's happening there.
We, who have just about everything we could ever want in the United States, need to open our eyes and look at the rest of the world. Darfur is today, but as Christians, I think next week we could/should be praying for another part of the world that isn't as fortunate. It's shameful that we allow such poverty and suffering while spending $16 on a new cd to add to our collection of 300 cds....or $3 for a cup of coffee, when hundreds of thousands of people can't even get clean drinking water. I'm pointing at myself, here....I don't drink coffee, but I'm quick to drop $15 on pizza instead of cooking a meal at home that will cost half that amount....thinking about the new coat I need...wishing for a house with 2 bathrooms instead of just one....I know it's not a sin to have stuff. But it's a sin to hoard our wealth, to not care for widows and orphans, to look past the hurting and hungry and look to our own comfort. And really, the money I spend on my comfort doesn't end up being so comfortable afterall...
I hope you'll take a minute to visit one of these websites, thank GOD for how blessed we are, and pray for healing in Darfur, and compassion and generosity in our Communities.
1 comment:
the sheep and the goats(matt 25:31-46) has really been hitting me the fast few days. kinda runs along the same lines of what you said. thanks so much for participating!!!
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