Our children have a pretty amazing dad.
I'm in a class at church called "Preparing your Daughter for Every Woman's Battle"...it's about talking to your daughters about sexual purity and how to give them the tools they need to make Godly choices. But what I'm finding is that those preparations need to be starting right now - not when they're teenagers. So I'm learning lots and getting mildly freaked out at the prospect of my little girls growing up into women one day soon....
But one advantage my girls already have is that they have a daddy who is crazy about them! Not that he's perfect, but he does an awesome job of loving on them and "filling up their sponges" so that they don't have to look elsewhere to get approval and affection.
For Valentine's Day, we had a princess party - we all got kinda dressed up, set the table with the nice tablecloth and the china, lit some candles, used our best manners, and had a lovely dinner. Then we took turns going around the table and talking about what we loved most about each member of our family. The look in the girls' eyes as we gushed about them was priceless. Sophia kept asking, "What else, what else?!" Even hearing what my family loved most about me was really good - we get so busy just living our lives, we rarely let people know how much them mean to us.
It reminded me that I need to do better at affirming the people around me - students, family, friends....my sponge is pretty full right now, but I bet there are a few people in our lives who could use some lovin' on!!

that sounds like something I should do with my roommates
gretchen...i know i dont know you very well, but i read your blgo every once in awhile and this was awesome...what an awesome idea instead of crappy consumer valentines day stuff...
plus i hear we are playing music together at some wierd guys wedding...
hey herschel! Nasty rumor about that wedding music.....
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