Today I was in my car with 3 little girls, and at a stoplight in our small town, we ended up behind a white pick-up with an Illinois license plate that simply read "JESUS".
Who has that on their license?? Seriously, that's alot of pressure....does he speed? what if he cuts someone off? Use the turn signal? talk on the cell phone while driving??....we were trying to get a good look at the guy...he appeared to be in his 30's or 40's with a beard...yep....that sounds about right...of course, we couldn't tell if he was wearing a robe or sandals....but I have to confess that we did go out of our way to follow him for a few blocks until he started driving out of town.
I'm not sure I understand. Are you claiming that Jesus has come back? To Springfield?
That's good news. I just always pictured the trumpet call and him coming through the clouds; that must have been a metaphor for a white truck in Springfield, IL.
(In my head, he's in an old, beat up F-150.)
actually, it was a pretty nice looking pick-up....extended cab...
That would be "Hey - Suess" - the guy is a Children's Lit. prof at UIS.
You'd think a mom would catch the reference.
This is why I had to stop going by Juan. Nobody catches the joke
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