Thursday, September 18, 2008

Need a ruling from the Marriage Handbook...

Sharing a bed with my husband is one of my favorite things about marriage.

But not when he's sick.

Coughing, sneezing, nose-blowing, trouble breathing, flopping around, in and out of bed. (I know, I don't rank high on the compassion scale)

So here's the question: When one of us is sick, who should take the couch? The one who's sick? or the healthy (and really tired and annoyed) one??

I moved to the couch around 4am (away from my alarm clock)....but luckily, my walking partner knocked on the front door a little before 6am for my wake-up call!


Stephanie said...

I say the sick person gets to choose. When I have a bad cough I prefer the couch so I can elevate my head easier, but others who are sick may prefer the comfort of their own bed.

I hope your hubby feels better soon and you both get some rest!

Liz said...

I totally think he should... or I would kick Matt to the couch. :) I'm like you... little compassion. Now when I'm sick, I like to be a big baby so it's a double standard!

Hugs and Loves...
Liz said...

Ehh, I hate to admit it, but I always get the short end of the stick. Wife usually kicks me to the couch when I'm sick or she's sick.

I am lucky enough that the couch is pretty comfortable.

Toiling Ant said...

Sick person gets the bed.

Ashley said...

Sick person gets the bed. No reason for them to be doubly miserable having to be ill and be on the couch.

Sandi said...

In our house we are pretty heavy sleepers so neither of us move. We just sleep through it.

I hope you guys can find something that works.

Gretchen Magruder said...

Okay, stephanie, toiling ant, and ashley all get "good wife" points...

but before everyone starts feeling sorry for Todd, let me clarify that the couch I expect my coughing, hacking husband to sleep on is named "the big, red, comfy couch"! I'm with Liz and Gotshoo!!

Jonathan said...

I'm of the mind that whoever needs to be the most functional the next day gets to stay put. Last night that meant I went up to our guestroom last night so that Amanda would be able to handle life. The night before teaching, I might encourage her to go up.

But we also have the benefit of having a guest bed in the upstairs office. It's even air conditioned so there's not much of a sacrifice. Plus, it's away from @'s room so I won't keep him up hacking and coughing.

Angela said...

In our house, he always takes the couch. This has nothing to do with sick/non-sick, though usually it's me that's sick... It has to do with ability to sleep. I am a particular sleeper, and he could sleep on railroad tracks next to an randomly exploding volcano with ten children beating on him.

The Lasleys said...

This could become a pressing issue in our house seeing as I seem to have caught whatever Todd has...

...poor lindsey.

atHisrighthand said...

Hey Gretchen,

Ummmm, I say give the bed to the sicko. I am heartless, but the sicko can sleep during the day, the healthy one still needs to function and take care of the kiddos... :)

I need your email so I can invite ya to my blog.. Email me at Thanks

Amanda said...

In all of our years together, as long as we've been in the same house, we've shared a bed. Though, there were times-like in your story, where I would wake up sometime around 2/3/4am and have to wander to a couch.

There are some circumstances-my sickness or his-where sleeping apart just HAS to be allowed.

jeremy fenelon said...

We have spare beds here if you and the kids need a good nights sleep!

For Erin and I -- the sicko goes to another room.

 This quote was part of my Lectio365 Sabbath devotion this morning, and as I considered what this day should look like, I began considering ...